What are entitlements and what can I do with them?
- entitlements.db is the file that holds a database of every single content (game, update, DLC, themes) installed from PS Store from when the PS4 was on latest firmware at some point.
- By viewing the file, you can find direct package links to the content from PS Store, thus allowing to reinstall them again.
- Do note that your licenses must be intact (can be invalidated anytime if your PS4 has connected to internet without DNS). If you still install them without a license, your content will forever have a padlock next to it and CAN’T be unlocked (themes are the only exception however).
Enough talk, let’s start…
- Jailbreak your PS4 with GoldHEN.
- Navigate to Settings > GoldHEN > Enable FTP. Take note of the IP Address.
- Open FileZilla and input PS4’s IP Address on host and 2121 on port.
- FileZilla > Server > Enter custom command > MTRW (must be all caps).
- Navigate to /system_data/priv/license and copy entitlement.db to Desktop.
- Open HxD, search for .json. For newer content, it may be stored in a .xml file.
- On your PC’s browser, navigate to https://store.playstation.com/ and make sure you’re logged in.
- Copy the .json and/or the .xml link you found in HxD, and paste it to the web browser.
- You now have access to your entitlements database.
- Example for what you should find:
- Simply take all the urls to a new page and download them all.
- You can then put them all on a USB drive and install them via Debug Settings.
- Done.
More questions and answers
- All my games, DLC and themes have padlocks on them!
- If your content has a padlock, it means your licenses are no longer valid (have been invalidated by Sony’s server when you connected your PS4 to internet on older firmware).
- Unfortunately you cannot do anything to fix it, however retail themes can be unlocked via a unlocker. See here for a guide.
- My entitlement.db file is empty!
- If your database is empty it’s probably because you either never installed anything from PS Store on your PS4 or you did a clean install of your current firmware, removing everything in the process.
- Nothing you can do to fix it, unfortunately.
- Can I take the entitlements.db from another PS4 to my jailbroken one?
- No, even if you do it you cannot transfer your licenses so your content will forever have a padlock. Licenses are both console specific and account specific.