Backing up sflash | Orbis Unjailed
What is sflash and why do I need to back this file?
- This process will be useful for repairs and future progress to a hopeful downgrade method.
- Backing up sflash is very useful if you somehow manage to completely brick the console or if you load bad/corrupted payloads that will affect PS4’s ability to boot.
- Note that if you are careful and have common sense, you won’t ever kill your console, unless you’re a bad thinkerer. This procedure is to keep your console safe.
Backing up sflash
- Jailbreak your PS4 using GoldHEN.
- Navigate to Settings > GoldHEN > Enable FTP Server. Take note of your PS4’s IP Address from the notification.
- On your PC, download and install:
- Open FileZilla and on Host name input your PS4’s IP Address you noted, on Port input 2121.
- Navigate to /dev/. Copy sflash0 file to your PC’s desktop.
- Make sure it’s exact size after the copy is 32MB / 32768 KB / 33554432 bytes.
- Keep the file saved in a safe location.
- Done.
Backing up PS4’s HDD
- Note that this will clone a ENTIRE PS4 HDD. Meaning you need to have at least the HDD’s space for a full backup. Ex: if you have a 500GB HDD in your PS4, you need more than 500GB to make a backup on your PC.
- As a alternative you can install a small HDD to your PS4, install the firmware, then attempt the backup.
- PS4 can support 160GB as the smallest HDD size.
- After you have the PS4 on a exploitable firmware, turn off your PS4. Remove the HDD from your PS4.
- Insert the PS4’s HDD to the PC.
- Download and install:
- Make a FULL backup of your drive. DO NOT SKIP ANY FILE. It must a complete full backup!
- Wait, it will take a while depending on the size of the drive.
- Done, you can insert the HDD back on your PS4.